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Senior Management Team

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Senior Management Team

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  • Vic Allison

    Vic Allison

    Joint Chief Executive

    Head of the Council's paid service and principal policy advisor to the Council. Leading and directing the workforce (circa 220 full-time equivalent posts and a net budget of £11m) to achieve the council's aims, priorities and promises. Representing the council as appropriate at a national, regional and local level. Also is Chief Executive of Malvern Hills District Council.

    Read Vic Allison's full profile

  • Jayne Pickering

    Jayne Pickering

    Deputy Chief Executive and S151 officer

    Responsible for the Council's overall resource management and giving strategic advice and support in the following areas; Information Technology, finance, human resources, democratic services including elections, policy and strategy, communications and property services including car parking services. Jayne is the Council's Section 151 officer to provide assurance on the financial activities of the Council.

    Read Jayne Pickering's
    full profile

  • Ian Edwards

    Ian Edwards

    Director of Economy & Environment

    Responsible for many of the essential services, such as waste and recycling, and public toilets. As well as other services which add significantly to the quality of life such as parks, economic development, tourism, rural and town regeneration, environment protection and emergency planning.
  • Jennifer Taylor

    Jennifer Taylor

    Director of Housing & Communities

    Responsible for the council’s strategic housing service which includes: Affordable Housing Provision, Private Sector Housing, Homelessness and Housing Services. Jennifer is also responsible for Community Safety, Community Development and Partnership working, Health Improvement, Arts, Sport and Culture.

    Read Jennifer Taylor's
    full profile

  • Meesha Patel

    Meesha Patel

    Director of Legal and Governance

    As a solicitor to the Council, Meesha's responsibilities include; managing the Council’s Joint legal team and providing professional legal services to all Council teams. Meesha is Monitoring Officer which is the Statutory Officer with regards to member conduct and governance issues and the Councils Data Protection Officer.

    Read Meesha Patel's full profile

  • Ian Macleod

    Ian Mcleod

    Director of Planning and Infrastructure

    Responsible for planning and infrastructure services, including: Planning Policy, the Local Development Framework and Parish Plans. Development management - planning applications, appeals and planning enforcement. Heritage - conservation and enhancement of the built and natural environments, landscaping tree preservation orders and biodiversity. Corporate Database - Land and Property Gazetteer, Land Charges, Street Naming and Numbering, geographical information systems and Building Control. The Director of Planning & Infrastructure is also is also responsible for land drainage enforcement, flood alleviation and engineering.

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