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Our strategy 2020 - 2024

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Our strategy 2020 - 2024

Our purpose is to be a leading, responsible and innovative council working to improve people’s lives.

In February 2020 we agreed a bold new four year plan that will protect and enhance our environment, continue to grow our economy and see us invest in the things that matter most to our communities. We usually make a few updates and add new promises to the plan each year. 

The plan focuses our spending and resources over the next four years on three key priorities:

  • Supporting people
  • Strong economy and places
  • Sustainable environment

The plan’s 35 promises include:

  • Working with partners to promote cost of living support, provide practical help and pilot information events for residents.
  • Investing £1million in Community Legacy Grants to support ambitious and innovative community projects that meet local needs and have a long-lasting impact.
  • Working with partners to address disadvantage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and improve outcomes for free school meal eligible children and their families across the district .
  • Constructing at least 15 new houses for private rent.
  • Working with partners to deliver a white water facility in Pershore and sports and leisure improvements in Badsey, Evesham and Inkberrow.
  • Reducing the average household black bin waste by 10% by 2024 and setting up at least five community fridges across the district to reduce food waste
  • Investing £100,000 over four years to promote the growth of Wychavon’s low carbon economy
  • Working with partners to create and start to deliver master plans to help revitalise Droitwich, Pershore and Evesham town centres
  • Investing £180,000 to encourage businesses to take on apprentices
  • Working with partners to create 10 hectares of new wetland and 30 hectares of habitats to improve biodiversity
  • Creating an index and map of community facilities across the district and using this to target future funding and support

There is a pledge to reduce carbon emissions from our own operations by at least 50% by 2030 and to deliver 1,000 affordable new homes by 2024. Action will also be taken to boost community transport, tackle loneliness and social isolation and to take action on environmental crime hub.

We will monitor and report our performance against our strategy four times a year in our Signals of Success performance reports.

Read the full strategy and details of all our promises

pdf Download a poster of the full strategy (11.59 MB)

What we base our strategy on

We base our strategy on four things listed below:

  • What the local needs are: data and intelligence about the district and the people who live and work in it
  • What residents tell us matters to them
  • Councillors’ and managers’ ambitions

Further information

Cherrie Mansfield
Head of Strategy, Performance and Strategic Projects
Call 01386 565508 between 9am to 5pm Tuesday to Friday
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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