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Corporate Peer Challenge

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Corporate Peer Challenge

In October 2024, we are taking part in a Corporate Peer Challenge run by the Local Government Association.

Corporate Peer Challenge is a tried and trusted tool for improvement offered to councils. It involves a team of senior local government officers and councillors spending time at a council to provide challenge, offer feedback and share learning. 

During their three day visit to Wychavon, our peer team will focus on the five core components of all Corporate Peer Challenges:

  • local priorities and outcomes
  • organisational and place leadership
  • governance and culture
  • financial planning and management
  • capacity for improvement

In addition, we have asked for some feedback about our approach to customer services and overall customer experience.

The peer team will engage with a wide range of people connected with Wychavon and at the end of their visit they will present their findings and send us a feedback report, which will include some recommendations.

We will publish the feedback report on this page towards the end of the year.

For more information contact

Cherrie Mansfield
Head of Strategy and Engagement
01386 565508
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