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Councillors and Democracy

Councillor information

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Councillor information

There are 43 Councillors (also known as 'Members') covering 27 wards.

The three towns in Wychavon (Droitwich Spa, Evesham and Pershore) have several wards and sometimes up to three Councillors for each one. Each Councillor is elected for a term of four years, with the last election on 4 May 2023.

Councillors are elected to represent their constituents and to take decisions upon Council services and policies.

They can claim allowances for carrying out Council duties.

The Political Representation on the Council is:

  • Conservatives: 29
  • Liberal Democrats: 7
  • Labour: 1
  • Green Party: 6

Wychavon is Conservative controlled under a Leader and Executive Board.

Chairman of the Council

The Chairman of Wychavon District Council is elected each year by the full Council at its Annual Meeting in May.

How Decisions are made

The full Council decides the budget and main policies for Wychavon. All Councillors have a vote on this.

The Executive Board and Committees decide on the day-to-day operation of the Council. View committee details.

Members of the public are welcome to speak at most of our meetings. View details and guidelines on public participation at meetings.

Executive Board Members

There are eight members of Wychavon's Executive Board. Each one has responsibility for a different area of our our work.

Cllr Christopher Day, Leader of the Council

Responsibilities: Chair the Board and Lead the Council, external role at local, regional and national level including joint working, lead on business planning, performance and corporate strategy, corporate communications and engagement, external strategic partnership working. 

Cllr Richard Morris, Executive Board Member for Economic Growth and Tourism

Responsibilities: economic growth and development, lead on SEP and LEP matters, urban and rural regeneration, tourism, skills including apprenticeships, town centre master planning, funding and investment in town centres, car parks.

Cllr Rick Deller, Executive Board Member for Housing, Regulatory and Customer Services

Responsibilities: Strategic housing function, homelessness and rough sleeping, private sector housing, environmental health, licensing policy and strategy, Worcestershire Regulatory Services, customer services, contact centres.

Cllr Aaron Powell, Deputy Leader and Executive Board Member for Resources, Investment and Innovation

Responsibilities: Financial management, HR and payroll services, property and estate matters, health and safety, insurance and risk management, revenues and benefits, corporate procurement, ICT, online services, efficiency and innovation.

Cllr Paul Middlebrough, Executive Board Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Urban Design

Responsible for: SWDP Review, planning and neighbourhood planning, conservation, building control, strategic transport and infrastructure, urban design policy and initiatives, land charges and street naming, planning enforcement, town and rural vitality.

Cllr Dan Birch, Executive Board Member for Wellbeing, social mobility and transformation

Responsible for: Health and wellbeing, Wychavon Leisure, older persons and ageing well, social mobility, migration support, Homes for Ukraine, transforming opportunities.

Cllr Rob Adams, Executive Board Member for Strong Communities, Culture and Sport

Responsibilities: Policing matters, CCTV and community safety, sports, art and culture, children and young people, safeguarding and CSE, community funding and grant schemes, community development and rural transport.

Cllr Beverley Hardman, Executive Board Member for Boosting Natural Capital

Responsibilities: Intelligently Green Plan, biodiversity Environmental campaigns, Stakeholder engagement and initiatives on climate change, energy reduction initiatives, flooding, drainage and water management, waste and recycling, street cleaning, parks and open spaces, public toilets.

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Further Information

For more information about our Councillors please contact:

Support Services
Wychavon District Council
Telephone: 01386 565427, between 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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