Councillors and Democracy
Chairman of the Council
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The main role of the Chairman is to act as a non-political, civic and ceremonial head of the District of Wychavon.
The role of the Chairman also includes:
- Chairing meetings of the Council
- Acting as official host to visitors of the District
- To represent the District at civic and ceremonial events
- To promote public involvement in the Council's activities
The Chairman for 2024/25 is Councillor George Duffy Read the profile for Councillor G Duffy and Vice-Chairman is Councillor Mark Goodge Read the profile for Councillor M Goodge.
- Contact: Support Services, Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, WR10 1PT
- Telephone: 01386 565490
- Email:
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Past Chairmen of Wychavon District Council
Year |
Chairman |
1974/76 | Lt Col R G Burlingham T.D, J.P |
1976/78 | R.J.Beckley |
1978/80 | W B Ashton |
1980/82 | R J Chandler |
1982/84 | D Brooks |
1984/86 | Mrs J M Jones |
1986/87 | E A Townsend |
1987/88 | D S Lawley |
1988/89 | Mrs C J Brackston |
1989/90 | R G Cartwright |
1990/91 | Mrs E C Hope |
1991/92 | G E Moone |
1992/93 | G J Barnett |
1993/94 | P Coley |
1994/95 | M Mathews |
1995/96 | V M Issacs B.E.M |
1996/97 | R Mason |
1997/98 | S J Selby |
1998/99 | J D Payne |
1999/00 | Mrs E C Hope |
2000/01 | D W Folkes |
2001/02 | A Hotham TD |
2002/03 | J H Smith |
2003/04 | M C J Barratt J.P |
2004/05 | D S Noyes |
2005/06 | Mrs P E Davey |
2006/07 | Mrs J C Dowty |
2007/08 | D S Lawley |
2008/09 | Mrs J E Sandalls |
2009/10 | A L Dyke |
2010/11 | Mrs L Robinson |
2011/12 | A P Miller |
2012/13 | R J Morris |
2013/14 | G O'Donnell |
2014/15 | Mrs L R Duffy |
2015/16 | Mrs V A Wood |
2016/17 | Mrs F S Smith |
2017/18 | Mrs E A Eyre |
2018/19 | T Rowley |
2019/20 | Mrs F S Smith |
2020/21 | R. Raphael |
2021/22 | R. Raphael |
2022/23 | A. Sinton |
2023/24 | R Raphael |