Community Right to Challenge
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The Community Right to Challenge was established by the 2011 Localism Act; it came into force in June 2012. The right allows voluntary and community groups, charities, parish councils, and local and fire and rescue authority staff to bid to run council services where they believe they can do so differently and better.
Groups, classed as ‘relevant bodies', can submit a written expression of interest to us to bid to run one or more of our services. Relevant bodies include:
- Voluntary or community organisations
- Charities
- Parish and town councils
- Two or more employees of the relevant authority.
We will consider and respond to expressions of interest. If we accept an expression of interest, we will then carry out a procurement exercise for that service. The challenging body and other interested parties can bid for the contract to run that service. The successful bidder will take over delivery of the service.
We already operate a mixed economy of service delivery at Wychavon, with a combination of outsourcing to the private and voluntary sectors, shared services and direct in-house service provision. We have already said that if communities feel we can improve how we deliver our services in any area then we are happy to discuss this with them. We will always have an open mind about the most efficient ways of providing services.
Our arrangements for responding to expressions of interest under the Community Right to Challenge are set out below:
- We will accept expressions of interest at any time.
- Expressions of interest should be sent to our Deputy Managing Director. Email to be sent to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Expressions of interest must include the information set out in paragraph 4.2 of the Community Right to Challenge Statutory Guidance. Following receipt of an expression of interest we may ask the relevant body to demonstrate that it meets the definition of a relevant body. Read the Community Right to Challenge Statutory Guidance
- We will acknowledge receipt of an expression of interest within 30 days.
- We will notify the relevant body of our decision about an expression of interest within 12 weeks of receiving it.
- If we accept an expression of interest, we will start a procurement process in no less than three months and no more than six months.
If you are thinking of submitting an expression of interest, we would welcome an informal approach in the first instance. Please contact