Overview and Scrutiny Committee
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Welcome to Wychavon District Council's Overview and Scrutiny web pages.
The role of Overview and Scrutiny is an important one in the Council’s governance structure, in providing challenge to the Executive and Senior Management Teams and in driving improvement. It is often referred to as the “critical friend” of the Council and can hold a magnifying glass over any area which is causing concern or issues for local residents.
These pages outline the legislation behind Overview and Scrutiny, the role it performs here at Wychavon, as well as all aspects of the Committee's work.
The pages include:
- Details of our Councillors who sit on the Committee and their contact details.
- The Wychavon Scrutiny Library contains reports and summaries of all the scrutiny reviews conducted by or on behalf of the Committee.
- The Scrutiny Library also contains:
- Current and historical Committee agenda papers and minutes,
- The Committee's work programme and;
- Future meeting dates
Here at Wychavon we are always interested to hear what our residents think and encourage public participation whenever possible. If you are interested in scrutiny, have an item or area you would like the Committee to investigate, or would just like to ask a question please see our Meetings and Public Involvement link on the left hand side.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact our Scrutiny Officer, Spencer Winnett, on 01386 565429 or Email: