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Our performance

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Our performance

We monitor and report on our performance four times a year through our Signals of Success reports.

The reports contain a written summary of our performance on the promises and success measures in the We Are Wychavon Plan and any other council-wide action plans, such as our Intelligently Green Plan.

From April 2024 onwards, the reports will also contain information about service demands and performance and a summary of financial performance.

The appendices accompanying each report contain more detail on each promise, measure or action.

Signals of success performance reports

Quarter four / end of year (January – March 2024)

document Q4 SOS report O&S (118 KB)

pdf Appendix A - Q4 promises performance (185 KB)

pdf Appendix B - Q4 success measures performance (377 KB)

pdf Appendix C - Q4 customer action plan performance (72 KB)

pdf Appendix D - Q4 Intelligently Green Plan performance (210 KB)

Quarter three (October – December 2023)

document Q3 2023-24 SOS report O&S (73 KB)

pdf Appendix A - promises performance (202 KB)

pdf Appendix B - success measures performance (388 KB)

pdf Appendix C - customer action plan performance (74 KB)

document Appendix D - Actual Prudential Limits (34 KB)

pdf Appendix E - treasury management performance (192 KB)

Quarter two (June – September 2023)

document Q2 SOS report O&S (102 KB)

pdf Appendix A - promises performance (169 KB)

pdf Appendix B - success measures performance (242 KB)

pdf Appendix C - customer action plan performance (66 KB)

pdf Appendix D - Intelligently Green Plan performance (179 KB)

document Appendix E - Actual Prudential Limits (34 KB)

Quarter one (April – June 2023)

document Q1 SOS report O&S (94 KB)

pdf Appendix A - 23-24 Q1 promises performance (170 KB)

pdf Appendix B - 23-24 Q1 success measures performance (236 KB)

pdf Appendix C - 23-24 Q1 customer action plan performance (68 KB)

document Appendix D - Actual Prudential Limits (34 KB)

Financial publications

Visit our Finance and procurement page, for the Statement of Accounts and any other financial publications.

For more information contact

Cherrie Mansfield
Head of Strategy and Engagement
Tel: 01386 565508 between 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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