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Safeguarding Policy

At a time when the safeguarding of children and adults with care and support needs has never been a greater concern, the Council felt it was important to review its Safeguarding Policy to ensure its arrangements adequately reflect the additional responsibilities currently being placed on it, and that these additional requirements are being fully considered in the approach being taken to protect people from abuse.

We are therefore pleased to introduce the revised Safeguarding Policy which aims to outline the responsibilities of the Council, and how they dovetail with other agencies, to safeguard children and adults with care and support needs from harm and abuse.

Safeguarding Children and Young People

Safeguarding children is about their safety and welfare. Its also about Child Protection. It means protecting each and every child from emotional, physical or sexual abuse or neglect.
All volunteers, paid employees and partnership working organisations have to adhere to good practice guidelines.  pdf Download Wychavon Good Practice Guidelines leaflet (1.18 MB)

Worcestershire Safeguarding Children's Board has responsibility for the protection and wellbeing of children in the county. The overall role of the WSCB is to coordinate local work to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and to ensure the effectiveness of what the member organisations do individually and together.
The WSCB consists of senior representatives of the main agencies which have a responsibility to safeguard children. It is a forum for establishing and guiding the services in Worcestershire to safeguard and promote the well-being of children. Inter-Agency working is at the heart of safeguarding and protecting children and the WSCB works to ensure that all the agencies communicate with one another in the interests of the child.

If you have any concerns about a particular child and feel that they may be in need of protection or safeguarding, then please contact Children's Social Care.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Post: Social Services, PO Box 585, Worcester WR4 4AD.
Telephone - 01905 768054 Out of Hours - 01905 768020
Fax: 01905 768056
Minicom: 01905 768052
Text: 07939 572 850

If you are worried about a child or for general advice and guidance the following links should be helpful:

Child Sex Exploitation 

Sexual exploitation of children and young people under 18 involves exploitative situations, contexts and relationships where young people receive ’something’ as a result of them performing, and/or another or others performing on them, sexual activities. If you have any concerns regarding this you can make a referral through the CSE website. 

View child sexual exploitation website

pdf Read Child Sexual Exploitation leaflet (466 KB) .

Safeguarding Adults

Safeguarding Adults [or Adult Protection] can include any work or activity which aims to support vulnerable adults to retain independence, well-being and choice and to be able to live a life that is free from abuse and neglect.
It is about both preventing abuse and neglect, and promoting good practice when responding to specific concerns.

What is Abuse?

It is the violation of an individual's human or civil rights by another person or people. It can take many different forms and examples such as:

  • Physical abuse being hit or restrained, misuse of medication
  • Sexual abuse being harassed, teased or being forced to have sex without consent
  • Neglect not getting adequate care, food, medication, heating
  • Psychological abuse bullying, threats, verbal abuse
  • Discriminatory abuse ridicule or threats because of race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation
  • Financial abuse theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure to change a will, misappropriation of property and possessions
  • Institutional abuse mistreatment by an organisation or individual where care is provided

Abuse can happen anywhere and by anyone, including relatives, friends, neighbours, paid care workers, volunteers, professional staff, other service users and strangers. If you need advice and guidance regarding the potential abuse of a vulnerable adult (someone over 18 years who might be unable to protect themselves from significant harm or serious exploitation because of a physical or mental disability, age or illness), you can contact Worcestershire's Access Centre in confidence;

By Phone: 01905 768053
Adult Protection Team for advice: 01905 822613/4
By E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
By Post: Social Care, PO Box 585 Worcester WR4 4AD
By Fax: 01905 768056
By Minicom: 01905 768052
By Text: 07939 572 850
We can answer your query in a number of languages and our Adult Protection Team will respond and can investigate adult abuse.

Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO)
Phone: 01905 752800
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax: 01905 752836
Police: 0300 333 3000
Care Quality Commission: 03000 616161

Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board is a multi-agency body that oversees Worcestershire's policies for keeping adults safe. It also directs the work of the Worcestershire Adult Protection Team. Report a safeguarding concern about an adult | Worcestershire County Council 

WSAB access centre
Address: Social Care, PO Box 585, Worcester, WR4 4AD
Phone: 01905 768053

For more help, information and guidance please try one of the following links:

Visit Age UK - For information and advice - for all other enquiries: 0800 169 8787
Visit the Department of Health website -
Tel: 020 7210 4850 (Office opening hours 08:30-17:30 Mon-Fri)
Textphone: 020 7210 5025 (for people with impaired hearing)
Fax - 0115 902 3202
Visit the Elder Abuse website - 0808 808 8141

Further information:

If you would like to speak about the information above please contact

Laura Marshall
Head of Housing Services
Working across Malvern Hills and Wychavon councils

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