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Gambling Premises Licences

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Gambling Premises Licences

If you want to use premises to provide facilities for gambling, you will first need to obtain a premises licence from us under the Gambling Act 2005.

The types of Licence available are as follows:

  • Casino premises licence
  • Bingo premises licence
  • Adult gaming centre premises licence
  • Family entertainment centre premises licence
  • Betting premises licence

Except in the case of a track, a premises licence cannot authorise the use of premises for activities of more than one of the types listed above. A licence cannot be issued in respect of premises if those premises already have a premises licence in effect.

Premises licences can only be granted to those who already hold the relevant gambling operator licences issued by the Gambling Commission.

For more information about the regulation of gambling, visit the GOV.UK website.


Premises licence application forms and notice of application forms can be downloaded from the Gambling Commission website.

You should submit your application along with the relevant fee to:

Licensing, Wychavon District Council, The Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 1PT

The fee you will need to pay depends on the type of premises that you are applying in respect of and the type of application being made. A list of the current fees we charge under the Gambling Act 2005 can found on our Licensing Fees and Charges page. View Licensing Fees and Charges page.

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