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Community and Living

Intelligently Green Plan 2020 - 2030

Page 13 of 13: Action Plan

Appendix two

Action Plan

This action plan starts to outline in more detail how each of the plan’s four priorities will be achieved. It indicates which actions will impact on carbon emissions within our spheres of control, influence and concern. It also sets out estimated carbon impact and costs where known, factors that could affect deliverability and co-benefits. The timescales, which are defined below, indicate how soon an action will be started, not necessarily when it will be completed by. As projects are worked up on a case by case basis we will be able to firm up estimated carbon impacts, likely costs, deliverability and co-benefits.


Short: started within two years      Medium: started within five years             

Long: started before 2028             Ongoing: throughout the life of the plan/as opportunities arise

document Intelligently Green Action Plan (53 KB)


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