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Environmental Health

Industrial pollution in the air

Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) provide a county wide service for Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Licensing. 

Visit Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) website

Some of the Environmental Health areas covered by WRS:

* Including stray dogs, lost and found dogs, aggressive dogs, issuing of animal related licences for pet shops, zoos, boarding, breeding and riding establishments, and for dangerous wild animals. 

Sampling of Private Water Supplies and Spring Water - Please Note: The accessible spouts in Malvern are likely to contain pathogenic bacteria, therefore water should be boiled for 4 minutes before drinking. The use of any water originating from these supplies is at the user's own risk.

Foul Drainage

All blockages and other problems relating to shared sewers and drains outside householders boundaries should be reported direct to Severn Trent Water: 0800 783 4444.

Non mains drainage remains within private ownership, and pollution or nuisance from private treatment plants, septic tanks and cesspools will be investigated by Worcestershire Regulatory Services.


Environmental Services

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Telephone 01905 822799 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Visit Worcestershire Regulatory Service for more information.


Two men stood in a town centre street with a string of lights above them.

Droitwich set for cracking 2025 as Place Board works to promote town to the wider world

The Chairman of Droitwich Spa Place Board has signalled bigger and better projects are on their way for the town in 2025. Reflecting on a successful 2024, Matt Nicol said he was keen to encourage the people of Droitwich t...
An artist's impression of Droitwich Spa Leisure Centre

Plans submitted for leisure centre revamp

In this section These pictures show how the revamped Droitwich Spa Leisure Centre will look. ...
Outside of The Raven Hotel in Droitwich Spa

Wychavon steps in to secure Raven Hotel

Wychavon has ordered urgent work to the Raven Hotel in Droitwich Spa to ensure the public’s safety after the owner missed a court deadline to take action. Live Urban Two was issued with a court order in November under Sec...
A gavel, some law books and Lady Justice balancing the scales of justice.

Court rules Wychavon acted lawfully over Broadway poles

A judge has ruled Wychavon acted lawfully over the installation of telecommunication poles in Broadway. The Lifford Gardens and The Sands Residents’ Association asked for a judicial review of the decision to allow Full Fi...
A group of people standing in front of a banner with some balloons

Campaign highlights dementia support

People living with or showing symptoms of dementia are being urged to access local support as part of a new campaign. Defy Dementia has been launched by the Wychavon District Health Collaborative to reduce the fear around...
Four people on bikes dressed in Christmas gear.

Pedal into Christmas at Evesham VeloPark

Cycling fans can pedal their way into Christmas with some festive fun at Evesham VeloPark. On Sunday, 22 December PAL Fitness Education will be hosting its Cycle with Santa Bike Ride fundraiser from 1pm to 4pm. There wil...
Group of five 14-15 year olds with older man looking happy, holding a certificate and trophy

A vote for change by local students

As part of Wychavon’s Local Democracy Day, students had the chance to address issues of concern directly to decision-makers. Pupils from Vale of Evesham school, Droitwich Spa High, Prince Henry’s High, Pershore High and T...

    Wychavon 50th anniversary logo