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Emergency Flooding Advice

Flooding FAQ's

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) for residents and businesses who have been affected by a flood.


Abandoned cars due to the flood: Who do I contact?

If causing an obstruction contact the Police, however they may already be aware of the situation. Visit West Mercia police website

Otherwise contact Client Services on 01386 565018 or report online via the abandoned vehicles report form.

Accommodation I can't return home what can I do?

Try to stay with friends or family. Contact your insurer, as they might be able to arrange accommodation. Alternatively the Council will address priority homeless cases and you can contact 01386 565000 for further advice or by visiting our Homelessness page.

Allotments: Will the food I have grown be safe to eat?

Destroy all food grown contaminated by flooding

Bin collections: Are the collections running as normal?

Collections in all areas are running as normal.

Bulky items and carpets destroyed by floods: What should I do?

If you have any flood damaged Bulky waste such as furniture or white goods, please check with your insurance company before disposing of them as it may affect your claim. View bulky waste page

You can take domestic items to local household waste sites at: Hill & Moor/ Throckmorton; Hanbury Wharf, Droitwich Spa or elsewhere in Worcestershire. If you have a trailer or van you will need to obtain a commercial vehicle trailer (CVT) permit. Visit for information on CVT permits.

If you have no means of transporting items to a household waste site, please check with your insurance company to see if they can help, as costs of removal may be possible to be added to your claim. Please look under Waste in the Yellow Pages for companies. If you are elderly or disabled, please phone 01386 565018 for help and advice. Visit the Yellow pages website

Business Rates: My business has been flooded and I cannot trade. Can I get any help with my Business Rates?

You may be able to get help with your business rates but it depends on certain criteria. Please contact 01386 565130 where we will be able to advise you.  

Clean up: Does the council supply disinfectant etc?

No, the council does not supply disinfectant. Clean walls and floors with a soap solution and disinfect with bleach solution. Alternatively contact your insurer who may be able to help with domestic cleaning services.

Counselling: I am very distressed who can I contact?

Contact your GP or Samaritans - 08457 90909090 or use the Yellow Pages or similar to source suitable assistance.

Contaminated food: What should I do with my spoilt food?

Double bag and throw away all food that has come into contact with flood water and any food that was frozen that has been at room temperature for more than an hour. Either take it to a household waste site or put it out for your normal collection.

Council Tax: My house has been flooded. Can I get any help with my Council Tax?

It will depend on the extent of the flooding and whether you have had to vacate your property. You will need to speak with our Revenues department on 03004 560 560 who will advise you about the help that may be available to you.

Dehumidifiers: Do the council supply dehumidifiers?

No. You can obtain dehumidifiers from hire centres.

Drains silted up: The drain in the road outside my property is now silted up and there is debris on the road who should I contact?

You will need to contact Highways Partnership.

Electrical items: Most of my electrical appliances have been damaged by flood water what should I do?

Make sure all affected appliances have been fully tested before using them again. Get specialist advice from electricians.

Food Businesses: Can I still operate without having running water and toilets?

It is unlikely that it will be safe to do so for more than a few hours. Contact Regulatory Services for advice on 01905 822799,

Health: Are there any precautions I should take regarding the health of my family?

Health risks can be minimised by taking general hygiene precautions and by the use of protective clothing (waterproof boots and gloves) whilst cleaning up.

You should also always wash your hands with soap and clean water:

  • after you go to the toilet,
  • when you eat or prepare food,
  • after being in contact with flood water, sewage or items that have been contaminated by flood water, and
  • after participating in flood cleanup activities.

Don't allow children to play in floodwater areas and wash children's hands frequently (always before meals). Wash floodwater-contaminated toys with hot water and disinfectant before allowing them to be used again.

Keep any open cuts or sores clean and prevent them being exposed to flood water. Wear waterproof plasters.

Harmful bacteria may be present in sewage and animal slurry, and this can pass into flood water, although it is likely to be extremely diluted. If you or anyone in your family gets symptoms such as sickness, diarrhoea, or tummy cramps, or if you become ill after accidentally swallowing mud or contaminated water speak with your GP, call NHS Direct on 111 for advice.

In inaccessible areas such as under floorboards it may smell but is not necessarily a health hazard. Get further advice from the environmental health department if the smell persists or if you are particularly concerned about it for other reasons.

As your property continues to dry out, vacuum any loose material and dust on a regular basis.

Very young children should avoid playing directly on timber floorboards or any damaged tiled floors if possible - be aware of the risk of injury from sharp edges on tiles or raised nails in the floorboards until these have been repaired.

Insurance: What should I do regarding my insurance claim?

Contact your insurer as soon as possible. Try not to move damaged items, as your insurer may need to inspect them. If possible take photos or video damaged property to give to your insurer.

Loans: Can I get help to purchase food clothing or household items?

Interest free crisis loans are available in some circumstance.

Portable toilets: Where can we get chemical toilets?

You can hire chemical toilets from hire companies and camping and caravan stores.

Pumps: Where can I get water displacement pumps from?

You can hire these from local hire centres. For more serious flooding the Fire Service will deal with situation if life threatening.

Rats: We have seen rats in the flood water what should we do?

Make a note of where you have seen the rats and approximately how many then phone into Regulatory Services for advice on 01905 822799.

Road Closures: How can I find out what roads are closed?

You can stay in touch with the local news on BBC Hereford and Worcester radio station. Visit the BBC Hereford and Worcester website

Sandbags: Where can I get sandbags from?

Householders may collect up to 6 full sandbags and from:

Please note there is limited stock available. Please only take what you need.

Security: What can I do about protecting my property from burglars?

If you have to leave your property lock all doors and windows providing its safe to do so, and remove all valuables.

Utilities: I have no water/gas/electricity what should I do?

Your utilities may have been switched off for safety reasons. Do not switch on any utilities until you have checked with an expert that is safe to do so.

Water supplies: Where can I get water?

For more information visit the Severn Trent Water website

Further information

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