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Community-led housing

Community led housing schemes are increasingly being recognised as a way to boost affordable housing supply, have a positive social impact and put communities at the heart of decision making.

What is community led housing?

Community led housing is developed to meet the specific needs of local communities. It is developed and/or managed by local people or local agencies that are not making a profit.

There are various different ways that community led housing can be achieved, but schemes should be overseen by people who either live or work in the area that will benefit. Information on the different models of community led housing can be found below.

Why community led housing?

Community Led Housing delivers affordable housing with the community “at the heart.”
Affordable homes where you want them, with the design, type, layout and tenure to suit the needs of your community.

Priority given to local people.
Affordable quality homes to buy or rent for the people who need them and already live, work or have relatives in your community.

Homes can be developed and owned by the community for the long term benefit of the local community.
Properties will be kept at affordable rent or purchase price for the long term.

Worcestershire Community Led Housing Hub

In 2020, Wychavon Council was awarded funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to set up a Worcestershire Community Led Housing Hub in partnership with Wyre Forest District Council and Redditch Co-operative Homes.

The aim of the hub is to increase the delivery of community led housing schemes across Worcestershire through community engagement events, support, consultancy and training provided to community led housing groups and other stakeholders in Worcestershire.

We recognise that groups will need support to bring together groups in their local community, and to find a model that will be financially viable for affordable housing and most importantly, have the backing of the local community.

If you are interested in the help available to support community led housing schemes in the Wychavon district, please register your interest below or contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
With support and advice available locally through the hub, there has never been a better time to find out more about taking forward a scheme in your town or village.

Models of community led housing:

Self-build and custom-build

If you are interested in building your own home or having a custom-built home, please register your interest on the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding pageAll local authorities have a statutory duty to keep a self-build and custom-build register. You can also learn more about self and custom-build housing at the National Custom and Self-Build Association’s website

Community Land Trust (CLT)

Community Land Trusts are another form of not-for-profit community-led housing, in which local organisations, set up and run by ordinary people, develop and manage homes and other community assets. The Community Land Trust will aim to make sure that homes are genuinely affordable, based on what people actually earn in their area, not just for now but for every future occupier. You can learn more about CLT’s at the National Community Land Trust Network website and the self build portal.

Self-help housing/bringing empty properties back into use

Self-Help housing is when local people bring empty properties back into use. The reasons for the properties being empty may vary, but the one thing they have in common is that a group of people with a shared goal will work together to meet a housing need for a specific community. This could be for something temporary like emergency accommodation or it could be longer term use. Find out more at the Community Led Homes page.


Would you prefer to live in a more affordable and more inclusive community? Every co-housing community is unique, but they will usually involve:

Independent living with an element of shared resources; this might be your own home but having a shared space to meet, socialise and eat together
Reduced outgoings; communities might have shared laundry facilities, pooled electrical items and gardening equipment. It might also have a shared playroom and toys for children
Shared values; many co-housing communities have a shared ‘vision’ – it might for example be a community who want to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

The image below is an example of a co-housing community (image courtesy of UK Cohousing network).

Example image of cohousing community

You can find out more about Cohousing by visiting the UK Cohousing network

Located in Bradley Green and set in 1.85 acres of beautiful Worcestershire Countryside, Lion & Lamb Cohousing offers like minded over 55's the opportunity to live in private, in a self contained property whilst at the same time being part of a caring, sharing community in a rural setting.

illustration of Lion and Lamb cohousing

Co-operative and tenant controlled housing

A housing co-operative is a housing organisation where members (tenants) democratically control and manage their homes. Housing co-operatives have open and voluntary membership and are independent of external organisations.

The Confederation of Co-operative Housing provides further details on co-operative and tenant controlled housing.

Development Trusts, Settlements and Social Action Centres

These are sometimes referred to as ‘community anchor organisations’ and they can be involved in a range of community projects including social, environmental and economic.
If you are one of these local organisations, we can support you to develop a community led scheme. If you want to find out more about community led housing in the Wychavon district or have a proposal you would like some support with please register your interest below or contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Data Protection

The information you provide will be used solely for purposes related to developing community-led housing schemes within the Wychavon district. It is possible that your details may be shared with officers within other directorates of the council who are working on community-led schemes. The personal details you supply will not be shared with any third parties external to Wychavon District Council.

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