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Chairman begins 50th anniversary tour

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Chairman begins 50th anniversary tour

Wychavon’s Chairman has embarked on an ambitious challenge to visit every part of the district to celebrate a special milestone. 

Cllr Robert Raphael aims to make at least one visit to more than 60 town and parish council areas between now and next April to celebrate Wychavon’s 50th Anniversary.  

During the Chairman’s 50th Anniversary Tour, Cllr Raphael will be highlighting the work of local organisations, meeting with volunteers, catching up on projects Wychavon has funded over the years and checking out some of the district’s natural and historic sites. 

The tour will end with the Chairman’s Civic Ceremony at Pershore Abbey on 21 April 2024, which will be a celebration of Wychavon’s role in the district, following its formation in 1974. 

Cllr Raphael began the tour earlier this month when he visited Wick Care Farm. The farm is a not-for-profit organisation designed to help people improve their mental and physical health.  

Founded in 2014, the farm offers therapeutic activities for adults and young people over 12 who are living with mental health issues, complex educational needs, dementia or learning disabilities.  

Clients carry out a range of activities on the farm including caring for animals, growing and harvesting vegetables, cooking, rural crafts, maintenance and repair projects and conservation work. 

During the visit Cllr Raphael had the chance to get up close with some of the farm’s animals, as well as meet staff, volunteers and clients and hear more about their work.  

It was also a chance to find out how a £10,000 grant from Wychavon’s Covid-19 Recovery Fund was supporting the farm to grow and thrive following the pandemic. 

Cllr Robert Raphael, Chairman of Wychavon District Council, said: “I was delighted to be able to start my 50th anniversary tour by highlighting the wonderful work being done by the staff and volunteers at Wick Care Farm.  

“I’m looking forward to getting out and about and exploring our district, discovering the difference Wychavon has made over the last half a century and meeting the wonderful people who make this such as great place to live, work and visit.” 

People can contact Wick Care Farm directly for support or referrals can be made by schools, mental health or learning disability services. For more information about Wick Care Farm email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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