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Chairman gets a scare on popular trail

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Chairman gets a scare on popular trail

Wychavon’s Chairman came face-to-face with a vision of himself, as he judged this year’s Fernhill Heath Scarecrow Trail.

Cllr Robert Raphael agreed to run the rule over the 106 creative creations entered into the event, as part of his 50th anniversary tour of the district.A man and a woman stood either side of a scarecrow

Staff at Wychavon joined in the fun by creating Chaircrow – a hay-made version of Cllr Raphael that visitors were able to pose with outside of the event’s pop-up community café.

The trail has been running for the past six years and towards the end of October sees the village overtaken by all manner of scarecrows and scenes inspired by books, television, film and the imagination of residents.

Sights on the trail included a life-size Christmas cracker, a tribute to a famous scene from Netflix hit Stranger Things and plenty of Marvel superheroes hanging off various buildings.

A Strictly Come Dancing inspired display, complete with scarecrow judges, won the group category with a scout camp recreation in second place and a scene from 1980s classic Ghostbusters in third. In the individual category, Witch on the lamppost took top place, with Ironing Man second and ET in third.A man stood in a dance pose in front of a group of scarecrows made up to look like dancers and judges from Strictly Come Dancing.

There was also a special Chairman’s Choice Award for Hindlip First School for their creation of a scene from Julia Donaldson’s book, Scarecrow’s Wedding. Several highly commended awards were handed out as well.

Cllr Raphael said: “It was an honour to judge this year’s festival but a really tough job! The standard of entries and creativity was very impressive. Congratulations to everyone who took part and the organisers for their hard work. It was a lot of fun and will have brought a smile to the faces of a lot of people.”


A man stood next to a life size scarecrow Christmas crackerCllr Raphael stood next to two scarecrows getting married.

A man knelt down between two carboard replicas of tower blocks and the Staypuft man from the film Ghostbusters in the background.Cllr Raphael sat next to an Elf on the shelf

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