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Security boost for parks and open spaces

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Security boost for parks and open spaces

Extra security measures are being installed across Wychavon’s parks and open spaces to help deter unauthorised encampments.

Several locations have been identified as highly vulnerable, including areas already targeted in recent years, such as St Richards Open Space in Evesham and Steynors open space in Droitwich Spa.

Officers are exploring various security options, such as installing bollards, rails, lock shrouding, and overhead barriers. Solutions will be designed to protect the look and feel of the spaces. Councillors have agreed a £250,000 fund to carry out any work necessary.

Wychavon has decided to act because of the increase in unauthorised encampments each year. There have been six in 2024 alone. As well as causing disruption and alarm to local communities, the cost of securing court orders and bailiffs to deal with unauthorised encampments is expensive.

Clearing up after an unauthorised encampment is also costly and the nature of the waste left behind, which often includes human excrement, is challenging to deal with.

Where necessary, consultation will take place with local residents on the proposed security measures. Work will be phased over the next two years with sites considered most vulnerable prioritised.

Cllr Beverley Hardman, Wychavon’s Executive Board Member for Boosting Natural Capital, said: “We don’t take this action lightly, but unauthorised encampments are significantly impacting our residents and finances, so it’s right we take this action.

“The security measures we took to protect Abbey Park in Pershore have proved successful at deterring unauthorised encampments on that site. I’m confident similar action at our other vulnerable parks and open spaces will be equally effective.”

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