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Wychavon unveils £4.5 million housing plan

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Wychavon unveils £4.5 million housing plan

Wychavon is set to build its first homes in decades, as part of a groundbreaking £4.5 million development with Rooftop Housing Group.

The council has agreed to fund the construction of 23 homes on land it owns at Laurels Avenue in Offenham, for private market, social rent and First Homes.

Residents can view the plans for the scheme and find out more at a special exhibition being held on Monday 12 February at Offenham Village Hall. It is hoped a planning application will be submitted by March 2024.

The council has long recognised a gap in the Wychavon housing market, to provide high quality, energy efficient homes for market rent in the district, in an area that already has some of the highest rental and house prices in the country.

The project will see the homes built in partnership with Rooftop. The private rental will be leased and managed by Rooftop, offering a return on the council’s investment for the taxpayer. The affordable homes will be bought outright by Rooftop.

The project meets Wychavon’s promise in its current council plan to directly invest in housing, to help to meet local need. The council looked into creating its own housing company to deliver the scheme but has decided that working with a registered housing provider is more efficient and lowers the risk to the taxpayer.

In 1994 Wychavon transferred its housing stock to Evesham and Pershore Housing Association. Changing its name to Rooftop Housing Association, Rooftop has grown to be an organisation that continues to be place based and rooted in the communities of South Worcestershire and North Gloucestershire. Its homes are known for their design and high environmental standards.

Cllr Rick Deller, Executive Board Member for Housing and Regulatory Services on Wychavon District Council, said: “This is an exciting and innovative new way of working with one of our social housing providers. Not only will it deliver a return for the taxpayer, but crucially it will allow us to use our land and resources to directly increase the supply of housing to help meet rising local demand.”

Boris Worrall, Rooftop Housing Group Chief Executive, added: “We are delighted to be able to help Wychavon District Council provide a range of homes for local people through this ground-breaking initiative. There is significant demand across the district for a range of homes which are affordable, and we are committed to doing all we can in partnership with the council to address housing need and aspiration.”

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