Commenting on a planning application
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Personal data
All personal data held is processed in accordance with data protection law. For further information please see our Privacy Notice on our website.
All information disclosed on the file on our website regarding an application is open to public inspection.
For security purposes, the intention is that all signatures, e-mail addresses and telephone contact details will be withheld from publication on our website. However, these may still be open to inspection by personal visitors at our offices. We do not accept anonymous representations. As a minimum all representations should contain your name and home address.
Public posts
Any comments/objections posted directly to our website will include all the information which you provide (including personal contact details such as signatures, email address and telephone contact details). If you do not wish these personal contact details to appear on our website, please do not include them in your online comments and alternatively make your comments on an attachment to an email.
Our websites are also indexed by various search engines meaning it may be possible to find your comment and any personal details you provide using an online search engine such as Google, Bing and others.
If you do not wish your personal information to appear on our website or be found by a search engine, then you should not submit your comment online. Instead you should make your comments via your town or parish council.
All comments made automatically appear on our website. Make sure that your comments are relevant and not defamatory or offensive, because you remain personally and legally responsible for them. If you are submitting photographs please ensure they do not contain personal information such as car number plates and that are relevant to the proposed development under consideration. We reserve the right to remove from this website the entirety of any comment which contains any words which contains any words which are or may be defamatory or offensive.
Please note: Comments you make will not be replied to.
How to comment online
- Find the application you wish to make comments on. If you know the application reference number you can go straight to the details of the application by doing an application number search.
- If you don't know the application reference number, there are many ways you can search the system for applications.
- Once you have got to the details of a planning application, click onto the blue planning reference number, and you will see in blue at the top of the page 'Comment on this application' - follow this link to send your comments to us. Please note we are unable to accept representations that are sent via an iPad but we currently working on a resolution for this issue.
- If the statutory period for consultation (21 days) has expired, you may still comment on the application (as above) or in writing to Wychavon District Council. You should note however, that the application may be determined at any time after the 21 day period has expired and there is no guarantee that late submissions can be taken into account. Please quote the application number in any correspondence.
Remember that any comments you send, whether they are sent online or by email or post, will be published on this website for everyone to see, and we reserve the right to remove from this website the entirety of any comment which contains any words which are or may be defamatory or offensive.
Please note: any comments received relating to this application we will try and ensure all comments are reported, where relevant, to the Council's Planning Committee. However, any submissions received after 12.00 noon on the day before Planning Committee will not be included on the Planning Committee update sheet. Also it may not be possible to report to the Planning Committee comments, letters or emails received on the day of the Committee meeting. We therefore strongly recommend against the submission of comments or documents close to the start of Planning Committee meeting.
Identity theft
If you are worried about your contact details and signature appearing on our website, do the following when you comment on planning applications:
- Print your name instead of adding your signature to any documents, and initial the printed name.
- Send e-mailed comments as an attachment, so that only the attachment can be published (and not your email address).
- Do not include your telephone number if you do not want people to know it.
Please note: any hard or soft landscaping shown on planning applications may not be part of the application, therefore landscaping may not be approved as shown. Plans can be amended at any time prior to approval. If unsure please ask.
How to comment in writing
Comments can be submitted in writing (noting the planning application reference) to our planning department at the Civic Centre.
Planning Services
Wychavon District Council
Civic Centre
Queen Elizabeth Drive
Worcs. WR10 1PT
Comments in writing will be scanned and made accessible on our website. To eliminate fraud you may wish to print your name rather than use your signature.
Please note: Comments you make will not be replied to.
How do I get notified?
Read the notification pdf Code of Practice (1.38 MB) , which outlines what the we will carry out as part of the process of dealing with applications for planning permission, listed building consent, approval of reserved matters, amendments to conditions, hazardous substances consent, certificates of lawfulness, advertisement consent and works to trees subject to Tree Preservation Order.