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Conservation Areas

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Conservation Areas
Due to significant resourcing issues the built heritage team will be unable to respond to anything non-urgent outside of the application process. Please bear with us, as responses to applications may also be delayed in the coming months.

Conservation areas are a heritage designation under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 to manage the special historic or architectural character of a place. Wychavon has 64 conservation areas; to check if you are in a conservation area, please visit My Local Area website.

The Council have a programme of reviewing the conservation areas, this entails the creation or renewal of appraisals, the continued relevancy of existing boundaries and the requirement for additional controls.

Appraisals are a means of:

  • Identifying and re-assessing the special qualities of the conservation area
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of the boundaries and assess whether they should be altered
  • Engaging and consulting with the local community and businesses during the process
  • Preparing a strategy for its future management

Wychavon District Council has Article 4(2) Directions within conservation areas. These directions remove specific permitted development rights which restrict works that could harm the character of a conservation area by requiring the submission of a planning application.

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