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Guidance Notes - Amending planning application following planning permission

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Guidance Notes - Amending planning application following planning permission

Occasionally an applicant may wish to make alterations to a scheme after it has been granted planning approval. Minor changes to approved plans can be dealt with under amended plan procedures:

A non-material minor amendment

What can be handled as a non-material minor amendment?

We will in most cases accept the following as minor amendments to previously approved plans:

  • Reduction in the volume/size of the building/extension or all forms of operational/engineering development that requires planning permission
  • Reduction in the height of the building/ extension or all forms of operational/ engineering development that requires planning permission
  • Amendments to windows/doors/ openings that will not have any impact on neighbouring properties.

We could not accept amendments as non-material if (for example):

  • The application site area (red line) differs from the original application
  • The application description differs from the original application.
  • The proposal would result in changes to the external details (e.g. facing materials or roof shape) that would materially alter the appearance of the building.
  • The amendment significantly increases the size of any part of the development.
  • The development moves more than 1 metre in any direction.
  • The height of the building or structure is increased.
  • If the amendment locates any part of
    the development closer to a neighbour
    unless the development as amended is
    in excess of 5 metres from the common
    boundary with the neighbour.
  • The amendment results in a fundamental
    change in the design of the building.
  • If the amendment changes windows or
    doors in any elevation facing a neighbour which increases overlooking in any way.
  • The amendment would result in a greater visual intrusion, loss of light or feeling of enclosure to neighbours.
  • There were any relevant objections to the original proposal which would be compromised by the proposed minor amendment.

What is the process for applying for a non-material minor amendment?

A standard application form will need to be completed and fee paid.

If the application is a householder; £43
In any other case; £293

  • No Design and Access Statement is necessary
  • Neighbour notification and consultation is discretionary; the council will not undertake
    notification and consultation in most cases.
  • The application is not for a new permission
    so it will not be necessary to repeat conditions from the original permission.
  • Conditions on the original application cannot
    be varied or removed through this process.
  • If the amendment is such that a new condition
    is necessary, then it cannot be a non-material
    amendment and a fresh application or a material amendment will be required.
  • Applications and decisions must go on the planning register.
  • The council have to take into account any
    comments received within 14 days of any notice being served on an owner.
  • There is no prescribed form of decision, but it must be in writing.

What timescale do we look to respond to minor
amendment applications?

We will endeavour to respond within 28 days
of receipt of the application form and fee to
advise you if the changes can be accepted
as an amendment to the approved scheme,
or whether a material amendment or formal
planning application needs to be made.

Material amendment through the formal variation of the approved planning permission

Minor material amendment

Recent planning decision notices include a condition requiring the works to be carried out in accordance with the approved plans. In some instances it is possible to amend this condition, in order to substitute an amended plan. Where this is the case, you can apply for a minor material amendment when:

  • the character and description of the amended scheme remains the same, and;
  • the development is one whose scale and nature results in a development which is not substantially different from the one which has been approved.
  • normal rights of appeal apply.

Detailed revised plans and elevations should be submitted setting out the proposed amendments and these should be accompanied by a completed
application form and fee below:

Fee of £293

The submitted details will be checked on receipt. We will contact you in writing for any additional clarification, if required.

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