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Design and Access Statements

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Design and Access Statements

The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2013 applies to full and outline applications where a Design and Access Statement is required.

  • Applications for major development
  • Applications for development in a designated area (Conservation area, a property appearing on the World
    Heritage List kept under article 11(2) of the 1972 UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World
          Cultural and National Heritage (a World Heritage Site), where the proposed development consists of:
    1. one or more dwellings; or
  • a building or buildings where the floor space created by the development is of 100 square metres or more.
  • Applications for listed building consent.

The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (Amendment in relation to design and access statements) contains further information.

You may also find using the following templates helpful:

document Design and access template for household/full applications. (64 KB)

document Design and access statement for outline applications. (62 KB)

Tips for a Design and Access Statement

The statement needs to include an assessment of:

Design The process

  • The statement should show the applicant has assessed the sites full context, including physical, social and economic characteristics and relevant planning policies
  • Demonstrate how account has been taken of the results of community involvement.
  • Show that the scheme has emerged from a rigorous process of assessment, involvement, evaluation and design. The statement should therefore explain the design out come not simply present it.

In detail the following issues will normally require description and explanation.


  • What buildings and space are being used for.


  • How much would be built on the site
  • The appropriateness of the density.
  • Can the neighbourhood's services support the amount of development planned.


  • How the buildings and public spaces will be arranged on the site and the relationship between them and the buildings and space around the site.
  • Demonstrate how the design incorporates crime prevention measures.


  • How big the buildings and spaces would be (their height, width and length).
  • Explain how this relates to the site's surroundings.
  • Explain how the scale of buildings features fit comfortably.


  • How open spaces will be treated to enhance and protect the character of a place.


  • The visual impression a place or building makes, including the external built form of the development, its architecture, materials, decoration, lighting, colour and texture.


  • The same process should be followed with regard to access. "Access" refers to "access to the development", not just the internal aspects of individual buildings.
  • The statement should explain how access arrangements would ensure that all users would have equal and convenient
    access to buildings and spaces, parking and the public transport network.

Further Information contact:

Planning Services
Wychavon District Council
Civic Centre
Queen Elizabeth Drive
WR10 1PT
Telephone: 01386 565565 - between 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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