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Statement of Significance - Applications affecting Heritage Assets

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Statement of Significance - Applications affecting Heritage Assets

In 27th March 2012, the Government published the new The National Planning Policy Framework, which introduces a requirement for applications affecting 'Heritage Assets' to be accompanied by a Statement of Significance.

The term 'Heritage Asset' includes designated assets such as Listed Buildings, Conservations Areas, Scheduled Monuments, Historic Parks, Gardens and Battlefields, etc.

A Statement of Significance will be required before applications can be registered.  This can be incorporated within the Design and Access statement when one is required.

We have prepared a pdf guidance notes (183 KB) for applicants and agents, which sets out the information that should be submitted as part of an Statement of Significance, and where to find that information.

As a guide we have also produced an document Assessment of Significance pro-forma (51 KB)  to be submitted with application with the above constraints. This pro-forma may be included as part of a Design & Access statement and should be supplemented with additional reports, studies, historic information, photographs and any other information where relevant.

The visual guide below will help you:

Statement of Significance

For further information contact:

Craig Tebbutt
Conservation Officer
01386 565323

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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