Your views matter to us. They help us to decide where to prioritise our time, effort and your money on making Wychavon an even better place to live.
We invite views on various topics throughout the year. You can find information about any current consultations below. You can also sign up to our email consultation list and we will send you an invite when a consultation is launched.
Current consultations
Pavement Licensing Consultation
Wychavon District Council is the authority responsible for the issuing of pavement licences in its area under provisions contained in the Business and Planning Act 2020.
The Business and Planning Act 2020 created a streamlined process to allow applicable businesses to apply for a licence to place removable furniture over certain highways adjacent to a premises in relation to which the application is made, for certain purposes.
The consultation survey will remain open for responses until Friday 30th October 2024.
Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document Consultation 2024
Residents can have their say on proposals to reduce the impact new housebuilding has on air quality across the district.
The South Worcestershire Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides detailed guidance to developers on how to implement pollution prevention policies in the South Worcestershire Development Plan Review.
Proposals in the SPD include increasing the distance between new developments and sources of air pollution, such as busy roads. Good ventilation should also be built into buildings, the layout of developments should encourage walking and cycling, while the use of trees, open spaces, green roofs and other green infrastructure should be used to block and filter air pollution.
Once adopted, planners will be able to use the Air Quality SPD to decide on planning applications. It will also strengthen their ability to seek air quality assessments and ask for additional measures to be put in place when new developments are proposed in areas where air pollution is already high.
Read the document and take part in the Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document consultation.
The deadline for responses is 27 August 2024.
Consultation on Revised Statement of Principles Under the Gambling Act 2005
As such the Council is required to review, consult upon, and re-publish a statement of the principles that it proposes to apply when exercising its functions under the Act at least every three years.
Any comments must be received no later than Friday 6th September 2024.