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Residents urged to help shape where they live

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Residents urged to help shape where they live

Residents are being urged to help develop a new design code for Wychavon.

Wychavon has joined forces with social enterprise Create Streets to come up with the code, which will set out clear expectations for design quality, beauty and sustainability.

Design codes outline in detail to developers, housebuilders and architects what is required from their proposed plans before they are even submitted, guaranteeing standards are upheld and removing the uncertainty which can lead to delays in the planning process.

The codes can include everything from the type of material that can be used to whether buildings should avoid being north facing so it's easier to install solar panels on them.

Having a design code will not replace the need for planning permission or remove the rights of residents to object or comment on individual planning applications.

But by requiring developers to build to the design code, it means planners can ensure new development is better suited to towns and villages and is good quality, sustainable and helps communities flourish.

Input from residents is critical to creating the code. Consultations are now open across the district, which has been divided into north, south and central areas.

Using the interactive map for their area, residents will be able to click on a selection of buildings and give their views on whether they would like to see more or less similar looking buildings in their area in the future. If there is a street, building or feature somebody thinks has been particularly well designed, they can also click on any part of the shaded area within the map and give their views on it.

The consultations run until 31 March 2023. To take part visit

Cllr Bradley Thomas, Leader of Wychavon District Council, said: "We want our new homes and places to improve our towns and villages and to nestle within the landscape. This design code is critical in helping us create beautiful new homes and places to support prosperity and sustainable and neighbourly living.

"I encourage residents to take up this opportunity to directly influence how their street, neighbourhood or community is going to look and develop in the years to come." 

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