Temporary Suspension of Parking Place Guidance
The Wychavon District Council Off-Street Car Parks Order 2021 (as amended) (the Order) contains the provision:
Clause 23 (inter alia)
(f) to enable the Parking Place to be used for or in connection with civic ceremonies or for road safety religious charitable sporting or educational purposes.
(h) for any other purpose which the Council thinks fit.
If you want to apply for a Suspension of Parking Place, then please read these guidance notes first.
Our power to Temporarily Suspend a Parking Place
Wychavon District Council under the provisions of the Off-Street Car Parks Order 2021 (as amended) (the Order) may suspend the use of a Parking Place as considered reasonably necessary.
How to apply for a Temporary Suspension of a Parking Place
You need to make your application at least four weeks before your event.
For a new or major event, that will be taking place on any Wychavon owned car park, a longer consultation period will be required. You should contact us as soon as possible before planning your event. Failure to apply in time may mean your application is refused.
To apply for a Temporary Suspension of a Parking Place. You need to do the following things:
- Fill in the online application form
- Make sure you attach a plan outlining the area of the car park you wish to use.
- The dates required.
- Please detail any setting up and dismantling/removal dates after the event.
Apply for Temporary Suspension of a Parking Place
You may also print the online form and return to us in person or by post.
Wychavon District Council, Parking Services, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 1PT
Car Park Order Suspension of Parking Place application fee
When applying for a Temporary Suspension of Parking Place you will need to pay:
Price effective from 1 November 2023.
- £ 100 for a single application
Processing your application
Once we have received the fee and necessary documents, we will obtain the approval in writing of a member of the Senior Management Team/the Deputy Chief Executive/Chief Executive to the closure. In the event of a refusal to approve the decision of the Chief Executive is final.
If there are no objections, then we will grant the Suspension of a Parking Place. If objections are received, we will try to work with you and the objecting party to reach a compromise.
If your application is not approved, we will refund your payment.
Standard Conditions
Once your Suspension of a Parking Place has been granted, there are standard conditions you must comply with.
- The Suspension order notice must be displayed 7 days in advance of the event and taken down immediately afterwards.
- Barriers and signage indicating the Suspension of the Parking Place and the Parking Charges must be displayed clearly.
- Generally, the police will not undertake to attend any event, and it is the responsibility of the organisers to manage the event in its entirety.
- Wychavon District Council accept no liability whatsoever for the use of the Parking Place. The applicant is therefore advised to ensure adequate insurance cover is obtained.
- Public Liability Insurance must be in place for the event and a copy of the policy schedule provided to the Council with the application.
Help and more information
If you need help applying for a Suspension of a Parking Place Order, then please contact Parking Services 01386 565009.