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Listed Buildings

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Listed Buildings
Due to significant resourcing issues the built heritage team will be unable to respond to anything non-urgent outside of the application process. Please bear with us, as responses to applications may also be delayed in the coming months.

A listed building is a structure of special architectural or historic interest (also referred to as significance) with both the interior and exterior protected.

They have been identified as worthy of this protection by the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport with the advice of Historic England who maintain the national list.

Search for a listed building on the Historic England website

There are three grades for listing: Grade I (the highest) Grade II* and Grade II.

It is important to note that list descriptions provided by Historic England are for identification only and do not constitute listed features of a structure. The building and anything attached to it is considered to be listed.

Legislation for listed buildings can be found via the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990


Some buildings are protected as curtilage buildings. These will not show up on the national list or on My Local Area website searches as they are protected by the listing of the listed building. Whether a building is curtilage listed or not is determined by the Local Planning Authority and can be confirmed upon enquiry.

For further information please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We offer advice for both Wychavon District Council and Malvern Hills District Council.

As part of our services we offer pre-application advice for anyone looking to carry out works to a listed building. This process is FREE for listed buildings. We strongly advise people get in touch and apply for pre-application advice BEFORE carrying out any work.

Submit a pre-application form

In the development type dropdown list please choose ‘Works to a listed building’.

Read guidance on pre-application advice

The Heritage Team can offer more general advice on listed buildings.

Please read our Listed Buildings – A Guide for Owners and Occupiers

History of windows and glass document

Please contact us if you would like to discuss repairs and maintenance of historic structures, however, we do recommend seeking the advice of a professional contractor where necessary, such as a conservation accredited structural engineer, surveyor or architect.

Listed Building Consent

Advice on whether works require consent can be received either by general enquiry or, more directly, via Pre-application Advice.

Submit Listed Building Consent Application

Listed Building Consent applications are FREE

Applicants will need to provide a Heritage Impact Assessment and Design and Access Statement. These usually require the involvement of a registered architect or charted building surveyor and will have costs attached.

These statements can be used for any parallel planning applications.

They should address the following:

  • Design principles and concepts
  • Scale, layout, and appearance of proposals
  • How the design has considered the significance of the building
  • What that significance is
  • How the significance is visible in the building
  • The significance of the building’s setting
  • An explanation of why the work is necessary and what alternatives were considered

Additional guidance can be found on the Historic England Guidance on Statements of Heritage Significance webpage

For further information please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please be aware the work you are proposing may also require a Planning Application. For guidance on and the submission of a Planning Application please visit Planning advice and guidance webpage and Making a Planning Application webpage.

Guidance on submitting applications:


Should I discuss my proposal with a Conservation Officer before submitting a Listed Building Consent Application?

  • We advise that contact is made with the Heritage team prior to any work being carried out and applications for Listed Building Consent being submitted.
  • This can be achieved most effectively via a Pre-application, however, you can also contact us via telephone Planning Support 01386 565565 and via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Any advice is given without prejudice to the determination of any subsequent application.

What does listed building mean?

What happens if I carry out work without consent?

  • Any works carried out without consent to a listed building or curtilage listed building is deemed a criminal offence where it detrimentally affects the character and significance of that building.
  • The criminal offence entails the potential for a fine or imprisonment.
  • Legal action can be taken against any person responsible for and carrying out unauthorised works. Therefore, the owner, professional agent and contractors can all be liable.
  • Enforcement action can be taken by the Council to ensure works are carried out to restore the building to its state prior to the carrying out of unauthorised works or to alleviate the impact of said works.

Are there other resources available?

Additional support and guidance can be found at the following sources:

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